Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Do you need an update?

Sometimes when we think we can't do something, we simply don't try. A crucial, yet simple question we can ask to empower ourselves is "why"

When we ask ourselves "why" we can't do something instead of just accepting a baseless belief, we can unlock doors we assume are closed.

Beliefs are formed to help us to adapt to our environment or "to fit in". The more established a belief becomes in our minds, the harder it becomes to question or change that belief.

Recently I came across an interesting take on human belief systems by Psychotherapist Dr John Nutting. In relation to our Core Beliefs, he indicates that "even when there is clear proof or evidence available that should convince us that a core belief is out of date and no longer applicable, it's still unbelievably difficult to see this and even harder to make any change"

Based on this, our beliefs and the rules we live by must be assessed and updated regularly. And besides, living by rules and beliefs specifically created to serve us at a particular time or stage in our lives is a nonsense if our circumstance has changed, and it will have because things never stay the same!

By analysing and simply challenging these beliefs we can craft a more efficient belief that's in synchrony with the current life we lead. The most important reason to "update and optimise" is to prevent negative beliefs, beliefs that get in our way, beliefs that sap our happiness, hinder progress and dim our productivity from becoming part of our core belief system.

Here's an example: A little over a year ago, I was watching a video online of an amputee runner and I remember thinking how amazing it looked, that was it... I was thinking "that looks great", I was thinking "it would be great to run" but that's where it ended, a thought. In my mind, it was an impossibility.

For so many years, I simply dismissed running as an impossibility because of my partial foot amputation on my left leg, and it was. It was something I'd cemented in my mind and in many ways I'd come to accept. If I had have attempted to go for a trot while I had that useless limb, I would have spent a month in bed or on crutches, no thank you.

Even when I made the decision to amputate that leg, the beliefs I'd formed about my abilities remained. Amputating a leg is fairly straight forward really, you physically remove something. You can see a part of your body isn't there any longer and strangely enough, processing that fact (in my eyes anyway) was fairly simplistic. What wasn't simplistic was amputating that older, more entrenched belief about my physical abilities. A belief that had been there for so long, shelved, unchallenged, until I asked a very simple, vitally important question. "Why?"

"Why can't I run?"
"Why is it impossible?"
"Why will I be in too much pain?"

I actively began to question my thought processes, asking "why?" which turned into"why the hell not?!" to the point where it became a great way to unlock avenues of life that seemed to be shut off.

The situation had changed, I was now balanced, relatively pain free, but best of all wound free. That belief - "I'll never run again" needed an update, so out it went, replaced by a more cynical, wall breaking, curious mentality that spilled into other areas of my life in a positive way. All from asking one simple question.

Together with my prosthetist and the wonderful people at Ossur, up I got onto a brand new set of flex run legs and within a short few months, after 13 long years, I was running, belief smashed! It was almost as if a wall had been knocked over and on the other side, new pathways began to open up in front of me. I remember taking my first few strides, it was as though I was breaking shackles, the freedom of being able to move swiftly under my own steam was both liberating and exhilarating! I felt like Forrest Gump when he was breaking free of his Callipers as he ran away from rock throwing bullies!

Sometimes we can form these beliefs in moments of turmoil and crisis, often they are beneficial and essential in successfully overcoming the obstacle we face. When we recover, steady ourselves and build up to a place where we can confidently reassess these beliefs, be brave and do it - knock down any walls that stand between you and your full potential.

                                                                        Mike Rolls
Speaker * Survivor
Connect with Mike!

Thursday, 11 February 2016

The problem with saying "Yes"

One of the main points I bang on about is the importance of being open to new experiences that are unique, unusual, perhaps even a little crazy. But why do we all need to constantly challenge and stretch ourselves in order to stay ahead of the game and to avoid stagnation?

Let's dive into this and find out why there's far more to it than simply saying "yes".

When we are inspired by something, whether it's something we read, see, hear or experience, it's an amazing feeling that has the power to jolt us into action. An indescribable energy consumes us and compels us to act on said inspiration and enrich our lives under this newfound "superpower".

The problem is that it rarely lasts. Life, as usual, takes over and often the buzz will be short lived and we'll be expected to carry out this inspirational undertaking all by ourselves - often resulting in us taking the easy option of just giving it away altogether.

If we decide to throw in the towel when we give something new a try, we run the risk of creating a seriously dangerous precedent. Not just with future undertakings but with existing day-to-day challenges or hurdles we might encounter. When we give up, we can lose our competitive edge. When we give up, we make "giving up" an option from that point forth. That pattern can become habitual and let's be honest, we can become lazy as it's a far simpler way to deal with the tough stuff. If we continue to give up time and time again, after a while we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It'll become second nature and a default approach to anything we do, tainting our ability to overcome the tougher, more rewarding challenges we face.

When we say "yes" to a challenge, we feel brave, empowered and on top of the world. We might puff out our chest and make all of these bold statements about world domination (and on that day, we might actually believe it)! But the proof is, and always will be, in the doing.

Can you walk your talk? Can you follow through and give it everything you have? Only you know if you have thrown everything at a challenge, no one else. Your actions, the tenacity you choose to approach things with, and your level of determination will be the things that will set a valuable precedent in you. They will empower you from within to carry out any type of task you choose from that point forth! 

So forget about saying "yes" to a challenge. Forget about it all together unless your intentions are unwavering. A half hearted approach has the capability of infecting the future battles you'll face with a "giving up clause". When you approach your challenge, giving up must not be an option or even a passing thought.


Mike Rolls
Speaker * Survivor
Connect with me today @

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

We all need a Challenge to keep us on track!

2015 has come and gone. Sure, it's "nice" to look back at what a wonderful job you did and give yourself a big pat on the back, but please, keep it brief.

Now is the perfect time to set yourself a new challenge. The year takes off with or without us so don't get caught napping! No-one likes playing catch up for 11 months. 

The word "Challenge" can have many meanings but in this case, I'm referring to the following meaning:

A task or situation that tests someone's abilities.

A challenge, whether it's professional or personal is great for our growth, confidence and mental wellbeing. It's kind of like those gutter guards at a tenpin bowing alley, it'll stop us from veering off the path by bumping us back on track when we falter. It helps us to maintain motivation and focus while also adding to the pool of mental resources we can draw on.

We need to approach a challenge with vigour and dogged determination. This way, we will reach our goal sooner and with greater success. 

To optimise your ability to rise to the challenge, it's crucial to be absolutely crystal clear on the reason "why" you've issued that particular challenge in the first place. It must also be a compelling reason. Does it add value to your life in a massive way? If something deep down in your bones isn't driving you to succeed, perhaps it's wise to rethink your challenge.

Oh, and forget about all those sparkly New Years resolutions you made a couple of weeks back. A recent study found that only 8% of New Years resolutions are actually fulfilled. Instead, why not lay all those resolutions out in front of you, pick the most important one, convert it into a challenge with a tangible outcome and get cracking?

Make whatever your challenge is count. Make it essential to your life, ensure it has the scope to improve your life. It will keep you focussed, stretch you, test you... it will ensure you stay well and truly on your toes (or foot shells, stumps... or whatever you have down there!)

Don't overdo it either - one challenge is more than enough to focus on for the year, but keep in mind the key word in the definition above - "Test" It must test you!

When setting your challenge for 2016, ask yourself these 4 key questions:

1. How important is it that I rise above and beyond this challenge?
(Answer must contain the words "bloody important" if not, try again...)

2. Will this stretch me, test me, twist me, turn me and spit me out a better person?

3. Will successfully overcoming the challenge enrich my life immensely?

4. Is my challenge actionable and tangible? Is there a clear end goal I'm aiming toward or is it just another doomed New Years resolution?

While the end goal of successfully overcoming your challenge is the focus. Don't forget to take a moment or two to enjoy yourself on your journey to it!

What challenge will you set for yourself in 2016?

Mike Rolls
Speaker * Survivor
Connect with Mike!