Recently on a trip to Sydney for Sam Cawthorn's protege workshop, I had the pleasure to meet a woman who has an amazing vision, Kerrie Phipps. Kerrie has made it her goal to ensure that we become better connected as a society through human interaction - and I'm not talking about scoring a new Twitter follower or making a new friend on Facebook - I'm referring to good old fashioned interaction!
Before meeting Kerrie I wrote a blog that included a small part on why smiling is a great way to meet new people... but Kerrie has taken that to a whole new level which I absolutely love! Kerrie happens to be one of the most friendly and approachable people that I've ever met, so it came as no surprise to me when I found out the reason why - She talks to strangers! Talking to strangers is Kerrie's passion - she believes in making meaningful connections with people every day, simply by initiating a conversation with a "hello" or a smile. I'm happy to say I'm hooked!
I was inspired by this message and have since made a very conscious effort to do more, to open up more, to smile more. Not only will it brighten up your day, but you may very well make a long lasting valued connection - whether it's a business connection or a friendship you may never have experienced otherwise. Talking to strangers is, in my opinion, what society lacks.
Thankfully Kerrie will be releasing a book that comprehensively explains this outstanding initiative!
Find out more about Kerrie and "Do talk to strangers" at